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1. TO ENTER AND PLAY: There is no purchase, pledge or donation required to enter or win. Simply enter your nominee by completing a nomination form. Nominations are open from December 1st to March 1st.


2. ELIGIBILITY: The Contest is only open to residents of Wichita, Kansas, Dallas, Texas and the DMV that are in grades 1 through 12 at the time of entry. The Contest is not open to employees, volunteers or immediate family to anyone employed by Exclusive Events. 


3. PRIZES: The contest winner will receive a trophy, a $150 gift card, a free deluxe service and join us at different community events throughout the year like parades and festivals and will be featured on our All Star Kid Award winners page.The winner may also be eligible in assisting us with choosing our next All Star Kid. 


4. WINNER NOTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE: The winner will be notified within the following three (3) weeks of the contest end date. We will attempt to contact the winner's school to coordinate a time and date that the prizes can be delivered to their school by an employee of Exclusive Events as well as a character. The inability to reach a prizewinner by email after reasonable efforts (as determined solely by EE) may result in disqualification and an alternate winner may be selected. Winners may waive their right to receive a prize.




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